The Flower Mobile is a sculpture 
installed in the Emergent Media 
Center (EMC) at Champlain College.
The Emergent Media Center (EMC) is "an academic center of experience ... that creates
a laboratory/studio environment in which students collaborate with each other, faculty
and clients to develop new concepts" in many mediums. This project involved many iterations and steps to get to the final product. It was designed, laser cut, and assembled personally. The purpose for this project was to reflect the values of the
center, which include CREATIVITY and CHALLENGE.
The Final Product
The materials used were laser cut acrylic, copper wire, beads, CDs, and metal film slides.
The acrylic was used for the base of each "chandelier" and the base of each flower. The copper wire was used to attach both the bases and flowers onto the ceiling. The beads were decorative and used as the delicate detailed parts of the flower. The CDs were used
as petals and to reflect light. And the metal film slides were cut and twisted to create a second layer of petals, as well as reflect light.
Flower Mobile

Flower Mobile
